washing my socks means polluting the water

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I’m hanging out in the city today, feeding off fast food and taking care of some stuff.

My mental and physical shape has returned to “normal” I guess:

selfie in Linfen

The only drawback is that I’m busy washing dirty socks again:

laundry day

See the water in the sink? That’s the SECOND rinse, the first one was even darker.

I found something interesting on the “where I am” map – but I’ll tell you about that later, when I’m done polluting the place with my dirty socks.

  • bátyus

    -kennst wohl die von mir 1966 entwickelte HOBO – Waschmaschine (Lizenz hiermit freigegeben) nicht!
    Also. Waschbecken (Schüssel, Bottich, egal), Wasser, linker Turnschuh mit der Öffnung nach obn, Seife, 1. Lage Socken, Seife, 2. Lage Socken, Seife, rechter Schuh mit der Öffnung nach unten.
    Weich werden lassen, dann mit beiden Händen drücken, wie kräftige Herzmassage, 1. mit 2. Lage tauschen, weiterpumpen.
    Ist das Wasser trüb genug, frisches Wasser nehmen usw.
    Scöne Grüße an die Füsse bátyus


  • Uli

    Hi christoph, how come nobody wants to commend on your second rinse…? Its impressing and the picture is once more close to perfect – how did you make your cell phone flip over just in the most dramatic moment? Hang on in there, dude (-:


  • Christoph

    bátyus: Du wirfst den SCHUH mit ins Wasser??
    Uli: How did I make the cell phone flip over… I didn't do that on purpose, but I have two theories as to why it happened:
    1) The snow under the cell phone melted.
    2) The cell phone couldn't handle the boring situation.


  • David lee

    do you know why your socks were dirty? it is black, if you buy a grey ones, it will be better, them look better at least, lazy people's method.haha


  • Christoph

    Um… thanks for the advice!


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