funny faces

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I ran out of clean socks today. (Yes, even though I might look a bit weird by now, but I still change my socks everyday.)

Anyways, this was also a nice excuse to hang around in my hotel room, kick back and do nothing except ordering food.

I would pick up the phone and call the hotel restaurant, then a fatty little kid with a big smile would come to my door and deliver the nicest meals to me:


And what a nosy little fellah that kid was – he would set the plate down very slowly while twisting his neck trying to sneak around the whole room. He came back a bunch of times with different food.

Once he brought up his courage and asked me: “What are you doing? 你在干什么?”

My answer: “I am working! 我在工作!”

He emitted an Ah-sound that sounded like approval, then he smiled and left – slowly, ever so slowly closing the door behind him, while bending his neck trying to sneak around the room.

Little did he know I wasn’t working. In fact I was so bored doing nothing that I started playing around making funny faces to the camera:


Well, some faces are funnier than others.

  • Réka

    Mir gefällts…:-)


  • 小欣



  • Iamyu



  • Christoph

    Réka: 🙂
    小欣: 耶稣?他老人家什么时候有过这个样子的表情?哈哈哈。。。
    Iamyu: 傻老外哈!


  • Rubi

    …es hat sich aber gut gehalten und viel freude bereitet, das muss man ihm lassen!


  • Hailey

    Hahaha hilarious!
    Well I finally got caught up with the last month's posts. Makes me sad tho cuz some of the videos and/or pictures wouldn't upload for me..
    Mom worries about you a lot (because.. that's what she does!) but we all know that you are tough (not dorky 😉 ) and that you will make good choices and flourish on your journey. We love you! Happy travels!!


  • Becci

    hu das bild sieht mal echt scheiße aus…. lol
    ja kurzzeitig ferien, muss ja eigentlich sehen, dass ich mal in irgendeinen betrieb komme und da mal was lerne… aber jetzt erstma entspannen und fernsehen – da kommt im übrigen nur scheiße… 🙂 dir noch einen schönen tag bruderherz! :-*


  • Christoph

    Rubi: Ja, das hat es. Musst mir mal ein paar Werke präsentieren!
    Hailey: Pictures and Videos not loading? Now how scary is that?? Did you try reloading the whole page? Anybody else got these problems?
    Becci: Zweimal das s-Wort in so einem kurzen Kommentar? Beccilein, Beccilein, Beccilein, ich glaube du hast dir wirklich etwas Entspannung verdient nach dem Prüfungsstress… 😉


  • PJ

    You never know when someone might be reading which entry of your blog. Turns out today was a good one to read this one. Gave me a goodhearted laugh on a day when I have had too few of them! You remind me to keep my chin up! Thanks.


  • Christoph

    Hahaha, glad you liked it!! 🙂


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